Cumberland County Schools
Recent News About Cumberland County Schools
Math scores on ACT decreased among Cumberland County Schools 11th-graders in 2022-23 school year
Of the 3,026 junior students taking the math portion of the ACT in Cumberland County Schools, 402 were considered ready for college in the 2022-23 school year.
520 Cumberland County Schools junior students met science college readiness benchmark on 2022-23 ACT
Of the 3,026 junior students taking the science portion of the ACT in Cumberland County Schools, 520 were considered ready for college in the 2022-23 school year.
How many Cumberland County Schools junior students were ready for college based on their reading performance in 2022-23 school year?
Of the 3,026 junior students taking the reading portion of the ACT in Cumberland County Schools, 802 were considered ready for college in the 2022-23 school year.
Cumberland County Schools registered 1,038 junior students ready for college based on English performance on 2022-23 ACT
Of the 3,026 junior students taking the English portion of the ACT in Cumberland County Schools, 1,038 were considered ready for college in the 2022-23 school year.
Math scores on ACT increased among Cumberland County Schools 12th-graders in 2022-23 school year
Cumberland County Schools registered 473 12th-graders as prepared for college in the 2022-23, based on their math performance on the ACT.
604 Cumberland County Schools senior students met science college readiness benchmark on 2022-23 ACT
Cumberland County Schools registered 604 12th-graders as prepared for college in the 2022-23, based on their science performance on the ACT.
How many Cumberland County Schools senior students were ready for college based on their reading performance in 2022-23 school year?
Cumberland County Schools registered 927 12th-graders as prepared for college in the 2022-23, based on their reading performance on the ACT.
Cumberland County Schools registered 1,039 senior students ready for college based on English performance on 2022-23 ACT
Cumberland County Schools registered 1,039 12th-graders as prepared for college in the 2022-23, based on their English performance on the ACT.
Cumberland County Schools District spending on supplies and materials climbs to $10.9 million in 2022-23
Cumberland County Schools District allocated a total of $10.9 million from state funds to supplies and materials in the 2022-23 school year, according to data gathered by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
Cumberland County Schools District spends $238.2 million on salary in 2022-23
Cumberland County Schools District allocated a total of $238.2 million from state funds to salary in the 2022-23 school year, according to data gathered by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
Cumberland County Schools District increases spending on purchased services by 25.4% in 2022-23
Cumberland County Schools District allocated a total of $15 million from state funds to purchased services in the 2022-23 school year, according to data gathered by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
Did Cumberland County Schools District increase or decrease their spending on employee benefits in 2022-23?
Cumberland County Schools District allocated a total of $96.5 million from state funds to employee benefits in the 2022-23 school year, according to data gathered by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
Cumberland County Schools District spends $568,124 on capital outlay in 2022-23
Cumberland County Schools District allocated a total of $568,124 from state funds to capital outlay in the 2022-23 school year, according to data gathered by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
Analysis: Cumberland County schools received $239 million in ‘COVID’ funds, spent 48% on salaries and benefits
Cumberland County Schools received $239,267,180 in federal “COVID” funds, of which 48% was spent on salaries and benefits.
CUMBERLAND COUNTY SCHOOLS: "P.U.S.H. (Persevere Until Success Happens): A Night of Motivation with Keith Davis
.The next family night hosted by Cumberland Family Academy is Thursday, March 30!
CUMBERLAND COUNTY SCHOOLS: Elementary Chorus All County Concert on March 30
.Don't miss the Elementary Chorus All County Concert on Thursday, March 30, at 7 p.m.
.Have you heard about the ICON Summer Internship Program?
CUMBERLAND COUNTY SCHOOLS: Apply For the Community Scholarship Program of Cumberland Community Foundation
.Attention high school seniors - Apply now through March 23 for the Community Scholarship Program of Cumberland Community Foundation.
CUMBERLAND COUNTY SCHOOLS: Board of Education Meeting March 7, 2023
.The Auxiliary Services and Student Support Services Committees of the Cumberland County Board of Education will hold meetings beginning at 8:30 a.m. on TUESDAY, March 7, 2023.
CUMBERLAND COUNTY SCHOOLS: 'Need to Know' Updates for the Week of February 6, 2023
.The 2023-24 Choice Exit Application is now available on the CCS Student Assignment Department website.